Data sharing, fair processing and GDPR

In north east London we can improve the quality of care you receive by sharing the right information about you between our local NHS and social care organisations who are providing you with your direct care. We call this sharing of information, Data Sharing and the people sharing this data your Direct Care Team. These are the people who will, at some point, be involved directly in your care; be it your GP, or the A&E team when you visit for an emergency, or the social care team looking after you in your home. The sharing of information has always happened (to a lesser degree) with paper processes but systems are allowing us to share more relevant information about you amongst your Direct Care Team. This helps them be more efficient and supports decisions that they and you make about your care.

This work is being led by your local clinicians who want to make sure you receive the best quality care possible. They want to be as transparent as possible so that you can feel assured that data is being shared with your best interests at heart. They want you to be involved in this as best you see fit. In line with the Data Protection Act 2018 General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) which came into force in May 2018, and the Health and Social Care Act (2015) we are adopting an implied consent model for sharing data for direct care purposes between the members of your Direct Care Team. To read the Privacy Notice or Fair Processing Notice please see the document “Privacy Notice” which you can download from this page.

We have three aims to use Digital Technology to support your care. These are:

1:Real time access to patient records

The London Care Record (also known locally as the East London Patient Record (eLPR)) – This is a London wide programme which shares more information about you than the Summary Care Record to better support your Direct Care Team and your care. Currently this is sharing between the following organisations in NEL:

  • Barts Health NHS Trust
  • Homerton University Hospital
  • Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals NHS Trust
  • East London Foundation Trust
  • North East London Foundation Trust
  • GP Provider Federations
  • All NEL General Practices
  • Community Health Services (on their own or through their host organisations)
  • City of London Corporation
  • London Borough of Hackney
  • London Borough of Newham
  • London Borough of Tower Hamlets
  • London Borough of Waltham Forest
  • London Borough of Barking & Dagenham
  • London Borough of Havering
  • London Borough of Redbridge
  • St Joseph’s Hospice
  • Richard House Hospice
  • St Frances Hospice
  • City and Hackney Urgent Healthcare Social Enterprise
  • London Ambulance Service
  • Community Pharmacies across North East London
  • Care Homes

The London Care Record is a London wide programme with each area in London connecting up their local organisations. These connections form the back bone of sharing your data across London but only with organisations involved in your care. For more information on the OneLondon programme that is delivering this work or on organisations connected up in other regions please click here

2. Population Health and Analytics

Gathering together your data in one place (under the control of your clinicians) to use it improve the way we deliver your care and plan our future delivery of your services. We are developing a NHS owend system called the Discovery Data Service (DDS) that delivers this functionality for us. The use of data within DDS is strictly controlled and managed by your local providers. You can find a list of all the use cases that have been approved here:

In order to find out more information about the application process we have put in place for using Discovery data please click here.

3. Personal Health Record

This pulls together all of the information held about you across our services into one place that you can view and interact with as never before. There are a few ways to access your data, here are the two ways that we are supporting:

  1. The nationally developed NHS App which allows you to see elements of your GP record, book appointments and order repeat prescriptions
  2. Patients Know Best (PKB) which is a system we have procured locally to give you access to more than just your primary care data. PKB allows you to view your hospital data or other acute data (like Mental Health data). This is in the process of being rolled out across the local healthcare providers in north east London and data will be made available as and when these providers go live. For more information on what providers are sharing please . You can find more information on PKB and how they use and store your data here

There are two high level Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA) that you can find and download from this page. Barking and Dagenham, Havering and Redbridge also have some specific DPIAs for their work that you can find here.

4. Universal Care Plan

(UCP) – This is a London wide solution to allow multiple organisations involved in your care to create and collaborate on a care plan revolving around your needs. For more information on UCP please click here

For more information please look at our Privacy Notice which you can access from this page which will include how you can object to the sharing of your information.